It is true, we like quality. Aiming for quality is a requirement for success. We need to be the best we can be. We need to deliver the best product we are capable of delivering. But no product is perfect. And becoming great is a journey. A journey that requires us to get going in order to get better. So get good at releasing your gift to the world before it is perfect.
You need to release your gift before it is perfect. Even before it is of great quality. Perfection is beautiful. But the beginning can not be perfect. Don’t expect it to be. If you do, you’ll never move forward in life. So pull the trigger. Ship your imperfection. Not releasing your gift to the world stops your journey. And stopping your journey means your gift or product or story will never grow.
Allow your gift or story space to improve over time. God uses imperfection for His purposes. So don’t be afraid of your imperfection. I hope you will always strive for perfection, but it is far more important to not let your imperfection stop you. Pull the trigger. Share the imperfections with the world right alongside of your great gifts. There is plenty of time to become more perfect later.
The desire for perfection is awesome. It inspires you to reach higher. To become better. It motivates you to tell a better story, or share a greater gift. But ironically, perfectionism will stop you from striving for perfection. It will cause you to give up. Because perfectionism is not about aspiring for better, it is about judging yourself for falling short.
[tweetthis]Perfectionism doesn’t inspire better; it judges you for falling short![/tweetthis]Perfection in your art or story grows out of delivering the imperfect and the flawed and seeing it fall short. Or even watching it fail. The best artist sometimes fails. The best basketball player misses the hoop. The best hockey player misses the open net once in a while.
It is by doing the best we can today that the better is created for tomorrow. If we require our imperfections to stop us from giving what we have today, we will never get a chance to give our best tomorrow.
And honestly, perfection connects with no one. It is the struggle for perfection that inspires. The time when a product fails and what you do about it will create more fans, than perfection ever will. Mostly because perfection never ships. But also, because we can relate to imperfection.
So tell your story, share your gift.