Who am I?

My name is Milton Friesen, and I currently live in Southern Ontario, Canada. My faith journey started when I was a young boy, in a small Mennonite Community on the east coast of Canada. Some might say it started when I was born, in a jungle village of British Honduras (Now Belize), but since that escapes my memory, we’ll start in Nova Scotia.

I remember sitting in church as a boy, legs swinging (guess my feet still couldn’t reach the floor from the pew) and promising God that I would devote my life to telling others Jesus loved them by simply loving them and serving them. Easier said than done. But I believe some of the commitments I made as a kid, and some of the prayers I prayed, have followed me through life, sometimes haunting me when my life wasn’t where it was meant to be.

From a simple faith that Jesus loved me in-spite of all the evil in my heart, my faith grew more complicated. I followed strategies of faith, discovered self-development, and and in general “grew up.” I mean faith is more complicated that a kid sees it right? Interestingly though, while my life grew more complicated, I realized again, that faith was simple. Simple enough for kids to get the gist of it.

When I get into self-development theories, I can’t escape this simple thought: If we had a perfect understanding of who Christ is and what he did for us, it would complete us. When me and my friends debate whether capitalism is better than communism, I realize that any economic system will be abused and corrupted as long people let sin rather than Christ rule. When I read about Justice, It is Christ I see as the answer.

So even though this blog is meant to be slanted towards Personal Development, I hope it comes from this perspective: If Christ is magnified in you, you will be fully developed. He died to reconnect us with Him, with our eternal purpose and with more life and joy than we can imagine.

Lets take God’s promises as a kid would. Lets believe in His Power like a child. Lets live with boy-wonder!

Your Brother in Christ,
Milton Friesen

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