The following 30 Day Habit Graph Chart is designed help you by allowing you to visually graph the formation of your new habit.
It is yours to use for FREE! You will find the Download Button below the example.
Now to be fair, I did not come up with this chart, I’ve seen it around, but if I remember right it was Art Jonak that first gave it to me, so while I am not sure he created it, I will give him credit for it. I have done a few alterations to it such as the the 21-day green goal line, and the spaces to write down how this new habit will change your life.
Now here is how to use it. Once you have defined the New Habit you wish to build, fill out the chart. (You can download the pdf from the link below.) Fill out the month, the way it will change your life, and put it somewhere where you will see it often as a reminder and for motivation.
Starting at day one, color in the square if you practiced the Habit that day. And on day two, if you practiced your habit again, fill out the square that is one up from the previous day. If you failed to do the habit, color in the square one lower from the previous day.
If in 30 days you reach the 21 day line on the chart you can add a new habit the second month, but you still need to keep doing this habit. If you you don’t reach the 21 day line in thirty days, you’ll probably have to redo the same habit the second month.