Tag Archives for " humility "

Apr 15

Conviction or Arrogance

By miltonfriesen | Personal Development

We often mistake arrogant opinions for conviction. As similar as they may seem, there is a big difference between conviction or arrogance though. So how can you tell which emotion is which? Today a friend asked me if I knew of any good sources of information for a subject she was researching. I couldn’t help […]

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Mar 20

Praying Bold Prayers

By miltonfriesen | Christian Discipleship

In the last month, I have found myself praying bold prayers. Specific prayers. Prayers where you know whether they get answered or not. Praying bold prayers like that is hard. It is easy to quickly blurt out a specific prayer when you are alone and you are not sure you really mean it. But then, […]

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Mar 16

Delighted in Cuba

By miltonfriesen | Miscellany

I was so delighted in Cuba. Delighted by what God did through me and our team for them. And delighted by how the Cuban church blessed me. My prayer going to Cuba was that just as we would bless the Cuban Church, so I would receive blessing from them. That was not a selfish prayer. […]

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Feb 09

The Little Christ

By miltonfriesen | Christian Discipleship

The Early Christians referred to themselves as “People of The Way” or Disciples of Christ. They were first called Christians in Antioch. This morning at my Church, the teaching pastor talked about how Christians used to refer to themselves as “People of the Way” not Christians. And that the name Christian was actually a nickname […]

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