Confession is Good for the Soul

By | Christian Discipleship

Feb 18
Confession is good for the soul

They say confession is good for the soul. And it is true! But what are you supposed to confess? The power of your confession depends on the quality of your confession!

Confession is good for the soul

Confession is good for the soul – Photo Credit: Public Domain via Pixabay

Most people have a very limited definition of confession. To them it is simply acknowledging their sins, to confess that they have sinned. That is it. But confession is much more than that. While a confession may be acknowledging that they have sinned, a confession can also be an acknowledgement that they have faith.

Confession is “Saying with God”

Confession is acknowledging the truth of God. It is saying things with God. The truth is we have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God, and so we confess: “Lord, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.” That is an acknowledgement of the truth as God sees it. It is what God says about us, so we say it with Him.

But our confession should also be a confession of faith: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him has everlasting life.” That is also a confession. It too, is saying with God, what He says. Here are three confessions I have started praying, that have the power to catapult you into your dream life. That is because they challenge you simultaneously to stretch, and wait!

I also happen to think confessions are more powerful when you speak them out loud. It is time to declare the truth with our tongues.

Confession of blessing

“In Christ, I am redeemed so that I may have abundant life.” This confession is rooted in John 10:10. Abundant means: more than enough, overflowing, extremely plentiful, of great wealth. That is what God wants to give us in Christ Jesus. And that is what He DOES give us through the Holy Spirit.

For me, this confession of blessing exposes my lack of faith. And it forces me to accept or deny His abundance in my life. And as I accept this as the truth, I choose faith. Choose to allow the truth to grow my faith. I will freely acknowledge this though: For me all three of these confessions are still a challenge to live by.

Confession of provision

“In Christ, God has made available for me today everything I need, to do everything He has called me to do.” If God calls you to feed the poor today, He gives you the food to do so. If God calls you tohelp your friend grow to the next level spiritually today, He gives you the words your friend needs to hear.

This confession acknowledges at once, our supernatural provision to be effective in His kingdom as well as the acceptance of today’s provision with contentment. If God calls you to do this today, He will provide for you to be able, today. If God has not provided for this today, you need not be stressed out about it. It will be in His time.

Confession of worth

“In Christ, I am today all I need to be, to be fully faithful to God.” I am enough to do what God has called me to do. If He asks me to go, I can go confident that I have what it takes, and am what it takes, in Him.

And as I am faithful to His call today, I grow into the kind of person that will have all I need to fulfil my destiny tomorrow. Tomorrow’s call is built on the obedience of today. But there is no point in regretting that today’s call isn’t what it could be. The only way to my best life, is accepting today with its challenges and provisions, and live it fully engaged.

Faith and reality checks

For me, these confessions give me daily opportunity to grow my faith and live on the edge of adventure. They also give me my reality checks. I have a hard time living within the provision God gives me. But it is in learning to do so, and learning to wait on Him to provide, that we grow to be able to do more tomorrow.

This is true whether it is financial, spiritual, relational or in talent. The dream God has given you is for a hope in a future. It won’t all appear at once. We get there by learning to walk the steps laid out for us today, and leaving the rest to Him.

Do these confessions challenge you to grow and also to wait expectantly?

About the Author

Milton Friesen is a certified Life & Leadership Coach, and Entreprenuer, and blogs about success, positive psychology, spirituality, leadership, team synergy, and living the best life.